Welcome! This is the homepage for Joel Alden Schlosser, Julian Steward Chair in the Social Sciences at Deep Springs College. My teaching and writing focuses on understanding democratic life through historical and philosophical inquiry. My book, What Would Socrates Do?, reconstructs Socrates' practice of philosophy in democratic Athens and engages contemporary figures such as Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, Bruno Latour, and others, to translate these Socratic practices to the present. In addition to completing my book on Socrates, I am also currently working on two other book projects: a manuscript on Herodotus (tentatively titled Why Social Scientists Should Read Herodotus) and one examining hope and its connection to democratic politics in ancient Athens and contemporary America. I have published work in The Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Foucault Studies, and The Bryn Mawr Classical Review. You may find a fuller description of my book manuscript, published work, and current projects under "Research" (tab above) as well as my thoughts on teaching college and links to my course syllabi from Deep Springs, Carleton College, and Duke University under "Teaching" (tab above). Please avail yourself of my context, and if you have any questions email me at schlosser (at)