Fall Recap
I've been meaning to write a recap of my activities this fall, but the suddenness of the fall semester's completion as well as the totality of holiday diversions subsequent have conspired to delay me. For now, a few words will have to suffice; put directly, the fall was wonderful: I found working with new students and colleagues at Bryn Mawr and Haverford (and beyond) delightful; now I look forward to many years of continuing work and collaboration with confidence and excitement. Teaching " Modern Political Philosophy " this fall proved even more of a pleasure than I anticipated. I had taught versions of this course at both Carleton and Deep Springs and I was eager to see how students on the Mainline would respond to my narrative of "freedom and the state." I could not have anticipated, however, the richness of reflections and the earnestness of engagement I would find in the Bryn Mawr and Haverford students I was fortunate enough to have in the course. Th...