Baldwin Article Finally In Print

My article examining James Baldwin as a Socratic figure has finally appeared in print in Political Research Quarterly. It's the first article in this September's issue, the Table of Contents of which is here. If you do not have subscription access, I would be happy to send you a copy of the article. Here is the abstract:

This essay interprets Baldwin as continuing the Socratic practice of self-examination and social criticism while also shifting his Socratic undertaking by charting the limits of examination created by the harsh effects of race and slavery in the United States. The author argues that Baldwin’s Socratic practice inflects not only his essays—the center of previous analyses—but also his fictions. By transposing Socrates to issues of race in twentieth-century America and confronting the incoherent effects of a racialized society, James Baldwin thus carries forward and transforms a pivotal figure in the history of political thought.

I'd love to hear your comments.

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