Teaching Research at Bryn Mawr
Seniors have commenced, grades
are submitted, and now I’ve begun to reflect on everything that has happened
during the past four months. The semester was full but rewarding. Perhaps most
notably, I experimented with some new approaches to teaching research skills and
supervising theses. While not all my experiments went perfectly, I was pleased
to see strong results and I hope to continue to innovate in these areas.
Teaching research skills
Along with the Social Sciences
Librarian Olivia Castello, I developed a new research component in my course The Power of the People. Olivia and I
sought to introduce students to the idea of a research conversation, the discussion scholars have with one
another through their scholarship, and to equip students with the skills to
discover and explicate one of these conversations. We did this through staging
research and writing projects alongside explicit instruction about finding
library materials, using databases, and creating bibliographies.
Here’s a photo of students
on their library Scavenger Hunt.
Always wanted a pic with Plato! #POLS272DEME1 pic.twitter.com/qtxUlWmOaA— BMCLibHunt (@BMCLibHunt) February 10, 2016
The students embraced this
project, choosing topics from how local tribal governance and democracy
interact in Ghana to democracy and social media to Latino/a voters and
participation in the United States. I loved how students surprised me with
their creative explorations of democratic theory in a variety of contexts and
from unpredictable angles. And I think the exhilarating discoveries of research
surprised the students even as they developed confidence about their abilities
to make sense of complicated scholarly work.
Senior Theses
I also supervised eight
senior theses this semester on themes such as civil society in China, religion
and anarchism, and “the political death assemblage.” This year I experimented
with an accountability method of advising that worked very well. At the
beginning of the semester students committed to their goals for the semester:
how much time they could devote to the thesis; to what degree they wanted to
prioritize the thesis; and whether or not “done was good” or they were striving
for a graduate school-worthy academic product. I found it extremely helpful to
know from students up front about their goals; this also allowed me to push (or
encourage) them in the appropriate ways.
After our initial meeting, two
groups of four students each met with me once a week for an hour. At the
beginning of each meeting, students described how well they had met their goals
in the previous week and what obstacles they had encountered. I recorded their
progress in a Moodle forum. Once we had checked in, I opened the floor for
questions. If I had read drafts recently, I would also use this time to respond
to any general issues that were appearing. At the end of the meeting students
would commit to how much time (how many hours on what specific days) they would
devote to the thesis in the coming week as well as what concrete tasks they
wished to accomplish.
Student response to these
accountability sessions was strong. I was struck by just how difficult students
found the activity: committing to specific times in the coming week helped to
highlight how many events could interfere with completing one’s work, from the
needs of people in their dorm to midterms in another course; students just like
most adults never have enough time for everything they want to do, let alone
those things they may not want to do but must. But so much of the challenge of
independent research lies in just this kind of time management; if the students
learned anything, I think they learned this.
The theses themselves were
in general stronger than last year’s. More importantly, the stress levels
seemed lower. I saved time explaining the same basic questions to student after
student in one-on-one meetings; our small groups also found ways to support one
another – even if this was group lamentation of the “academy of misery” – even
while undertaking very different projects.